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Journey of Illegal Migrants Part 02

Who are the illegal migrants?
                Answer: Person or a group of a people illegally enter a country or state is called illegal migrants and they also violate the immigration law. They did not get a lot of. They spoil their life’s times and money.

Where they come from?
                Answer: Fakes agents of Asian countries clean the mind of youngsters who are already facing money problems for their families. They said they will take without a passport on low rates to Canada America Greek Turkey Germany France or other countries. They encourage them to get a chance to be rich with little effort. Agents get their trust and say show them a bright picture which has nothing behind. Agents have a link on every border on the way.
According to me its start from Bangladesh. Bangladesh agent takes some money and hand over them to Indian agent. He helped them to cross the Indian border and put them into Pakistan. Next, they cross the Iran border and enter into the turkey. After crossing the turkey to go to Libya. In the next, they enter to Italy from the border of Morocco or Malta. Some of them stay here remaining start again and enter in Spain through the Seaways. This is all illegal entries in every country. Agents cheat them by saying to take them on a cruise over the sea but he put them into a small boat to cross the small lakes own their own behalf. They only Gods support no one care of them because they take a risk by themselves. Some of them killed by the armed forces who catch them during the illegal crossing.
When they get their destination country there is no one to welcome them. They started to find a small job for their eating. The government of these counties did not provide them a paper to start a job so they feel they are failed. They ruined a big loss of time life or money. Only a few of them come back to home.

Should they get their desires of life?
                Answer: 10% out of 100% get their desires life remaining only get according to their fate. Some peoples killed by armed during this illegal journey. Some are infected by the harshness of the difficult ways through the hills, lakes or seas.

Should they feel to complete their journey?

                Answer: No they did not satisfy from this journey because it’s a big event in their life it’s not happy days so they are not satisfied with this whole journey. They made video messages and transfer them to the whole world please do not take a risk of your life.

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